
It'saminimalsingle-activitysamplethatshowsyouhowtomakeacalltotheCloudVisionAPIwithanimagepickedfromyourdevice'sgallery.,Hi,Iamabitlostonthehowtointegratethevisionapiintomyandroid(java)projects.1.Ihaveaddthe:implementation.,TheMobileVisionAPIisnowapartofMLKit.Westronglyencourageyoutotryitout,asitcomeswithnewcapabilitieslikeon-deviceimagelabeling!,CloudVisionAPIisaninterestingAPIwhichallowdevelo... at master

It's a minimal single-activity sample that shows you how to make a call to the Cloud Vision API with an image picked from your device's gallery.


Hi, I am a bit lost on the how to integrate the vision api into my android (java) projects. 1. I have add the : implementation.

Android Vision API Samples

The Mobile Vision API is now a part of ML Kit. We strongly encourage you to try it out, as it comes with new capabilities like on-device image labeling!

Quick Look at Google Cloud Vision API on Android

Cloud Vision API is an interesting API which allow developers to analyze content and contextual data associated with images.

在Android 上使用Firebase 驗證和函式,透過Cloud Vision 安全地 ...

本指南將說明如何使用這項技術,從應用程式呼叫Cloud Vision API。這項方法可讓所有已驗證的使用者透過您的Cloud 專案存取Cloud Vision 收費服務,因此請先考量這項驗證機制 ...

ML Kit

Vision APIs. Video and image analysis APIs to label images and detect barcodes, text, faces, and objects.

Sample applications

These sample apps show how you can easily use the Cloud Vision label detection, landmark detection, and text recognition APIs from your mobile apps with ML Kit.

Cloud Vision API documentation

Cloud Vision API allows developers to easily integrate vision detection features within applications, including image labeling, face and landmark detection. Make a Vision API request · API Reference · Vision client libraries · REST API

Migrating from Google Mobile Vision

New bundled variants of the APIs on Android that allow you to statically link the ML Kit SDK with your appplication. API specific improvements, for example:.

搭配Python 使用Vision API

Vision API 可讓開發人員輕鬆在應用程式中整合視覺偵測功能,包括為圖片加上標籤、偵測臉部和地標、光學字元辨識(OCR),以及為煽情露骨內容加上標記。 在 ... 自修環境設定 · 啟動Cloud Shell